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New Zealand

Who is Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd and how can you contact us?

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd, is a private company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with additional offices in New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom.
If there’s anything you’re unsure about in this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact our data protection officer at info@buzzsawmedia.com.au.

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd  – Privacy Policy New Zealand

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy“) explains how Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd, collect and use Personal Information (defined below) and sets out the basis on which Personal Information we collect from or about you will be processed by us. This document aims to provide a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible information about how we process personal data – please read it.

This privacy policy applies to us Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd our websites and competitions / brand promotions. (“us” ,”we” or “our” as the context requires).
This Privacy Policy replaces and supersedes the last version of this Privacy Policy for all users. It should be read in conjunction with the Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd Cookie Policy, set out further below. This privacy policy complies with The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.

Personal Information

Information that is defined as “personal information” pursuant to The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 will be collected, used, disclosed, held and managed in accordance with The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.


This personal information includes:


  • the information you choose to provide us when you voluntarily register, such as your name, address, date of birth, and telephone number; and
  • the information you provide when you answer questions on our website to participate in contests, such as information regarding you and your household, your demographic and lifestyle, your buying behavior, and your preferences and interests in relation to products, communication and media.
  • information about the pages you view, and the links you click, including advertisements, through common internet technologies such as cookies and web beacons, and your IP-address, which is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the internet.


We use and/or disclose your personal information for the purposes of direct marketing as permitted by The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. All our competitions, promotions or advertisements where you consent to us collecting your will include the following statement which outlines the way we use your data :
“Promoter may share your information with its service providers and other promotion partners (together, our partners), who may also share your information with their service providers and
partners (together, their partners) who may be located overseas.
You agree that we, our partners and affiliates and their respective partners and affiliates may use your personal
information for following purposes:”
– advertising, marketing, and promotional purposes including direct marketing and facilitating direct marketing;
– creating insights, directing and addressing campaigns, validating, modelling, data matching and aggregating information with other information obtained from other sources and parties;
– appending the information to databases for the purposes of linkage and profiling for digital marketing and campaign purposes;
– linkage of data, files, records and other information, platforms
– delivery channels to other data, files, records and information
-facilitating, provisioning, assisting and arranging the deployment of campaigns, advertising, marketing, promotion and related activities to including to assist or facilitate deployment of direct marketing campaigns.
– review and evaluate the specific data
– identify new consumers across a range of marketing channels
– segment actual or potential customers into groups with similar characteristics
– understand the likely characteristics of actual or potential customers
– segment actual or potential customers into groups with similar characteristics
-predict customer behaviour
-create and maintain custom audiences
– conduct data linkages and data matching with other data held by our partners, its related bodies corporate or Third Parties to confirm, update or enhance the identity, contact details or related information of actual or potential customers: and /or conduct
– confirm, update or enhance the identity, contact details or related information of actual or potential customers; and/or conduct other data analytics activities in respect of actual or potential customers.
We will not use your personal information for direct marketing unless:
We collected information from you
You have a reasonable expectation that your personal information will be used for direct marketing; and
We have provided you with an opt-out mechanism and you have not opted out.
We collected information from you or someone other than you; and
You do not have a reasonable expectation that your personal information will be used for direct marketing;
but you have given your consent or it is impractical to obtain your consent; and
We have provided you with an opt-out mechanism and you have not opted out
The personal information we collect also enables us to optimise our service to you by:
We collected information from you or someone other than you; and
Displaying content and advertising customised to your preferences and interests. For example, offers for pet owners are displayed solely to users with pets.
Informing you about our services and products and those of our select partners and prize sponsors from time to time and only with your permission that you provide by opting- in on registration, If you opt-out on registration we will not send you this information.
We also conduct internal surveys, analyse and compile in reports, and collect information in an aggregated form (“aggregated information”). This aggregated information does not identify you.
We use the aggregated information to design the offers of our select partners and competition prize sponsors as effectively as possible.

Device Information

We also collect certain data automatically from your visit to our website or use of our services. This may include (but is not limited to) some or all of the following: How you connect to the internet (including IP address), how you engage with our site, screen resolution, browser data stored on your device (such as cookies – see also our Cookies policy), information about the device software you are using such as internet browser and location data (city,region of the IP address you used when accessing our services). We will only retain your Device information for 24 months from date of collection.


Except as described in this privacy policy and allowed by The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, we keep your personal information confidential and we do not disclose your personal information for identification purposes or convey it to third parties without your consent. You may request us not to disclose your personal information to another organisation if the purpose is to facilitate direct marketing. We will stop disclosing your personal information to another organisation for the purpose of direct marketing within a reasonable time after You request us to stop. If you ask us the source of our information, we will notify you the identity of this source within a reasonable period unless it is impracticable and unreasonable to do so. Please note that The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. includes provisions that may oblige us to release your personal information in certain limited circumstances. Our employees have access to only the information they require for their work. If you win our contest, it is a condition of entry, set out in our Terms and Conditions that you give us your permission to publish your first name, place of origin and a photograph of you on one of our internet pages. We may transfer, sell or assign the aggregated information to any entity to which we divest all or a portion of our business, or to such of our clients as we deem appropriate.
Tracking Technologies that Our Marketing Emails Use

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd may use performance tracking technology within our emails to improve our future interactions with you. This means we are able to capture information including (but not limited to) the time and date you open our e-mails and the type of device used to open the email.

We use this information primarily to understand whether our e-mails are opened and what links are clicked on by our customers. We then use this information to improve the emails and other communications (including Post, SMS, app notifications and digital advertising) that we send or display to you, and the services that we provide.

We may share this information with other organisations to help them improve their own interactions with you. If you have any questions please email us at info@buzzsawmedia.com.au or write to Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd, Level 27/101 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia.

Access, Complaints, Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You can access your personal information or make a complaint or request that:

Your personal information is corrected. If we correct your personal information that has been disclosed to a third party we will take reasonable steps to inform the third party of the correction.;
Your account is deleted; and
We provide you with the source of your information unless it is unreasonable or impractical to do so.
Please send us an email, at info@buzzsawmedia.com.au and we will respond within a reasonable time period.

We will provide you with written notice under The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, if we refuse to correct your personal information. We will take such steps that are reasonable in the circumstance to protect personal information from misuse interference and loss.

If we no longer need your personal information, and law does not otherwise require it, we will take reasonable steps to destroy the information and de-identify it.

Children’s Privacy

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd does not allow advertisements to be targeted at individuals under the age of 18.

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd does not knowingly collect Personal Information from or about children under the age of 18. If we learn that we have collected Personal Information on a child under the age of 18, we will delete that data from our systems. Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd encourages parents and guardians to monitor their children’s activities online.

Where Do We Store Your Information

Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd is based in Melbourne Australia , which is where our main databases are. We also operate elsewhere in and outside the European Economic Area, so we may access your personal information from and transfer it to these locations as well. Don’t worry though, any personal information we access from or transfer to these locations is protected by European data protection standards. We may also transfer your data to our partners in the United States of America.

While countries in the European Economic Area all ensure rigorous data protection laws, there are parts of the world that may not be quite so rigorous and don’t provide the same quality of legal protection when it comes to your personal information.

To make sure we keep your personal information safe, we apply strict safeguards when transferring it overseas. For example:

Sending your personal information to countries approved by the European Commission as having high quality data protection laws, such as Switzerland, Canada and the Isle of Man.
Putting in place a contract with the recipient of your personal information that provides a suitable level of high quality protection.
Sending your personal information to a member organisation approved by the European Commission as providing a suitable level of high quality protection. For example, the Privacy Shield Scheme that exists in the US.


We hold all personal information that you submit to us in accordance with The New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.Your personal information is held and stored in a databank server, which is located in Australia. We do not assume responsibility for the publication of the information due to errors during transmission or due to unauthorized access by third parties. You should be aware that information which you voluntarily reveal over the internet, for example, in discussion forums, via e-mail or in chat rooms can be used by others. We do not monitor the actions of our visitors and registered users. If you reveal personal information, you do so at your own risk and understand that this information can be collected and used by others. Whether you receive unwanted messages or not is up to you because you alone are responsible for the concealment of your e-mail address.

How long we do keep your personal information for ?

We’ll keep your personal information for an indefinite period of time so that we can continue to provide you with offers and promotions from ourselves and our partners that we feel have the right fit for your profile. We may also keep it to comply with our legal obligations, resolve any disputes and enforce our rights. These reasons can vary from one piece of information to the next and depend on the promotion, competition or campaign you signed up to, so the amount of time we keep your personal information for may vary.

In all cases, our need to use your personal information will be reassessed on a regular basis, and information which is no longer required for any purposes will be disposed of.

Other information

This privacy policy is available to you at all times. It may be altered from time to time. Or Should you require further information, or should you have any objections or questions, please email us at info@buzzsawmedia.com.au or write to Buzzsaw Media Pty Ltd, Level 27/101 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia. Email : info@buzzsawmedia.com.au.